Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 7 - Sleepover at a Cabin by the Sea of Galilee

This is the adorable little cabin we stayed in by the Sea of Galilee.  I loved eating breakfast and doing my makeup on this little porch overlooking the Sea.

Joni was so excited to see that we had a couch and a TV that she ran back and forth with her arms high above her head with glee.

The room Mom and I slept in.  There was a trail of ants going up the hot tub and wall above it, which is why I slept by the window.  Mom doesn't care so much about bugs. Thanks Mom.

The room Amy and Joni slept in.

The little kitchenette.  Joni was excited to see "fancy glasses!"

Joni and I had fallen asleep the night before when we drove to the cabin from Nazareth, and it was too dark to see the Sea.  So the next morning we woke up to this view of the Sea of Galilee from our front porch!  WOW.

Joni LOVED the hammock in the front yard.

This was hilarious!  The first thing we saw when Amy turned on the TV around 11 pm was a Living Scriptures movie translated into Hebrew.  What do you think of that Andrea?

A beautiful flowering tree in the front yard.  I picked a flower to press dry in my scriptures.  I placed in the Bible Dictionary page under Galilee.

Bookie (nickname) the nice Jewish man who owns the three rental cabins, and a bike rental business, as well as being a farmer.  His hobby is singing in a choir, which he was gone to a rehearsal the night we checked in from 7:30 until midnight.  He loves the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, "the best in the world" and said his dream is to go to Utah to hear them sing, then he can die happy.

Bookie and his son chatting with us in their bike shop next to our cabin.  The son wanted to know about our religion, but Amy explained the Israeli government won't allow us to tell anyone here about our beliefs, but now we're allowed to tell them they can go to ""   Bookie said he was in shock, that's so crazy that we aren't allowed to.  We think so too.

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